Quelle: pixelio.de |
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„Cybercrime – Who are the offenders?“
During the past years typologies of crime and offenders have changed enormously as well as rapidly. State-of-the-art techniques increasingly find their way into criminal investigations. New types of criminal phenomena tend to substitute the well-known types of crime. Common crimes range from the classical online fraud to cyber terrorism. Online crime has come to be a million dollar business.
Within the frame of this paper three aspects will be examined by reference to a meta survey based on the whole german spekaing area. As first step the penologic options fighting online crime will be considered. Then the different types of crime will be illustrated as well as the consequences of their exposure. The objective is to depict offender profiles as precisely as possible.
© Edith Huber
WANN: 3. und 4. Sept. 2012
WO: Sheraton Fuschlsee-Salzburg Hotel Jagdhof
Schloss Strasse 19
5322 Hof bei Salzburg, Austria
Phone: +43.6229.23722567
Fax: +43.6229.23722570
Weitere Vorträge der Veranstaltung finden Sie hier.
Anmeldung zur DeepSec hier.
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